During the quarter the Olaroz Lithium Facility (Olaroz)
temporarily stopped production due to Argentine government COVID-19
quarantine restrictions, which in addition to planned maintenance
resulted in 21 days of lost production. Despite lower plant
availability, cash cost of sales reduced by 3% quarter on quarter
(QoQ). Market conditions and product pricing continued to be
challenging, however operational cashflow remained positive. Work
continues at the Naraha Lithium Hydroxide Plant (Naraha) while site
operations at the Olaroz Stage 2 Expansion have stopped due to
quarantine restrictions. In light of current operational conditions
and uncertain future demand Orocobre Limited (Orocobre) has
withdrawn guidance for FY20.
- Production for the quarter of 2,732 tonnes was down 11% on the
previous corresponding period (PCP) due to the
temporary plant shut down. Brine production and pond
management continued throughout the quarter. Following the
introduction of a strict bio-security protocol production of
lithium carbonate recommenced on April 10th with a minimum
- Sales volume for the quarter was down 29% QoQ to 2,518 tonnes
while sales revenue was down 32% QoQ to US$12.1 million. The
realised average price achieved was US$4,810/tonne on a free on
board basis (FOB)2. March quarter product pricing was below that of
the December quarter with continuing weak demand and aggressive
competitor behaviour
- Cash costs for the quarter (on cost of goods sold basis)3
improved to US$3,972/tonne, down 3% QoQ, excluding the export tax
of US$181/tonne for the quarter and care and maintenance costs of
US$255/tonne during the plant shutdown
- Operations remained operating cash flow positive with gross
cash margins (excluding export tax) of US$838/tonne, down 28% QoQ
mainly due to the lower average price received, partially offset by
better cost performance.
- Construction of the Stage 2 Olaroz Lithium Facility Expansion
reached approximately 35% completion prior to the imposition of
COVID-19 quarantine restrictions which halted site activities. Site
works will resume once these restrictions are lifted, however
completion is now expected to be delayed
- Naraha Lithium Hydroxide Plant construction has not been
affected by COVID-19 to date with more than 50% of works now
completed. The final schedule may be delayed by two months due to
late equipment deliveries from overseas.
- Overall sales volume for the March quarter was 10,690 tonnes,
up 24% QoQ and approximately flat on PCP. Operations were
temporarily stopped due to COVID-19 restrictions as previously
advised; however production has now recommenced with strict
bio-security protocols in place
- Sales revenue was up 14% QoQ, however the average price
received was down 6% QoQ.
- As at 31 March 2020, Orocobre corporate had available cash of
US$163 million of which US$11.1 million and US$29.3 million have
been set aside as guarantees for the Naraha debt facility and
Olaroz Expansion debt facility respectively. Including SDJ and
Borax cash and project debt, net group cash at 31 March 2020 was
US$88.2 million, down from US$115.5 million at 31 December 2019,
due to funding of expansion activities
- Following the end of the quarter, the acquisition of Advantage
Lithium Corp. (Advantage) was completed.
Click here for more information on Olaroz
Safety is the number one priority of the Company. From early
February, awareness programs were conducted with employees and
contractors on signs, symptoms and recommendations to minimise risk
of exposure to the COVID-19 virus and prevent contagion.
International company-related travel was restricted from February,
and domestic travel from March. Towards the end of the quarter,
detailed bio-security plans were developed for our operations in
accordance with established national regulations and best practice
approaches within the industry. These will continue to be revised
and adapted in response to changing regulations and examples of
best practice.
An emergency committee has been established comprising both
Sales de Jujuy and Borax Argentina to coordinate operations,
enforce the application of a bio-security protocol and review and
update it as circumstances change. This committee analyses
possible scenarios in order to plan and enable the company to be
ahead of the circumstances and works in close coordination with
local health authorities.
One Lost Time Injury was recorded at Olaroz during the quarter
involving one of the Expansion contractors. As at 31 March there
were 70 days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
To enhance control of the contractors associated with
construction activities, the Company has focused this quarter on
the implementation of SICOP contractor management system. SICOP
serves as a centralised control system which provides real-time
visibility of contractor certifications, compliance, and
performance in accordance with established standards and
In addition to the Company’s ongoing program of work with Dupont
in Safety Culture and the consolidation of Intelex as the central
safety management database, the Company has also been preparing for
ISO re-certification audit which will be conducted in coming
months. The Company also conducted a successful shutdown for plant
maintenance during the quarter with no incidents recorded during
the shutdown period.
In response to evolving market quality and specification
requirements, Olaroz has continued with a product improvement and
development program. Quality indicators remain positive with
sustained gains on process stability, improved product quality and
A planned maintenance shutdown was successfully completed in
February and when production resumed the processing plant quickly
achieved required product specifications.
Production for the March quarter was 2,732 tonnes down from
3,075 tonnes on PCP.
Operations at Olaroz ceased on 20 March 2020 as a result of the
Argentine Government’s enactment of Decree of Necessity and Urgency
(DNU) #297/20. Production was also impacted by a scheduled ten day
maintenance shutdown in early February, resulting in a total 21
days of lost production during the quarter.
Production recommenced at Olaroz on 10 April 2020 following the
specific declaration of Orocobre operations as “essential”
activities. During April general production, distribution and
marketing recommenced with a minimum workforce adhering to robust
bio-security protocols to minimise the risk of COVID-19 infection
or transmission.
Cash costs for the quarter (on cost of goods sold basis)
improved to US$3,972/tonne, down 3% QoQ and down 5% on PCP. This
excludes care and maintenance costs of US$255/tonne related to the
temporary shutdown of operations in March and US$181/tonne of
export duties for the quarter. Gross cash margins for the quarter
remained positive at 17% or US$838/tonne (excluding export tax),
down 36% QoQ and 84% on PCP.
A regimented financial plan continued during the quarter with
the aim of reducing unit cash costs and sustaining the current
competitive position as one of the world’s lowest cost, brine based
lithium carbonate producers.
Metric |
March quarter
2020 |
December quarter 2019 |
Change QoQ (%) |
PCP (Mar qtr
2019) |
Change PCP (%) |
(tonnes) |
2732 |
3586 |
-24 |
% |
3075 |
-11 |
% |
(tonnes) |
2518 |
3287 |
-23 |
% |
3530 |
-29 |
% |
Average price
received (US$/tonne) 3 |
4810 |
5419 |
-11 |
% |
9451 |
-49 |
% |
Cost of sales
(US$/tonne)4 |
3972 |
4109 |
-3 |
% |
4193 |
-5 |
% |
(US$M) |
12.1 |
17.8 |
-32 |
% |
33.4 |
-64 |
% |
Gross cash
margin (US$/tonne) |
838 |
1310 |
-36 |
% |
5258 |
-84 |
% |
Gross cash
margin (%) |
17 |
% |
24 |
% |
-28 |
% |
56 |
% |
-69 |
% |
Export tax
(US$/tonne) |
181 |
238 |
-24 |
% |
776 |
-77 |
% |
Product sales were 2,518 tonnes of lithium carbonate with an
average price of US$4,810/tonne on an FOB basis and total sales
revenue of US$12.1 million. The average price received during the
quarter was down 11% QoQ due to continued market softness and
aggressive competitor behaviour.
Orocobre remains focused on growing the proportion of long-term
contracts with customers where there is a strong, mutual strategic
fit. In addition to the previously announced long-term supply
agreements (see ASX Releases dated 20, 21 January 2020), further
contracts of such kind are currently under negotiation and are at
varying stages. While the worldwide uncertainty created by
COVID-19 has slowed progress, Orocobre will continue to work
towards this strategy.
Orocobre has withdrawn full-year production guidance for FY20
due to current restrictions with production in Argentina and the
high likelihood of ongoing disruption of future demand in global
As at 31 March, approximately US$130 million has been spent on
the first phase of activities. Siteworks on expansion
operations ceased on March 20 and as these activities have not been
declared an essential activity have not yet resumed.
Extensive restrictions have been experienced in terms of
personnel movement between Argentine Provinces and on-site due to
bio-security measures adopted following governmental requirements.
Camp capacity has been severely restricted due to social distancing
measures and these issues are expected to affect activities on site
until they are lifted.
A range of options continue to be pursued to both conserve
capital and optimise progress, however the COVID-19 crisis will
cause a delay in project completion.
The Naraha Plant, the first of its kind to be built in Japan, is
designed to convert industrial grade lithium carbonate feedstock
into purified battery grade lithium hydroxide. Feedstock for the
10,000 tonne per annum (tpa) Naraha Plant will be sourced from the
Olaroz Lithium Facility’s Stage 2 Expansion that will produce
industrial grade (>99.0% Li2CO3) lithium carbonate.
Since construction commenced at the Naraha Plant there have been
no LTIs recorded. The Veolia Joint Venture is undertaking weekly
safety meetings and regular site safety checks, with project staff
continuing to attend safety training in alignment with the
project’s safety management plan.
As at 31 March, approximately US$40 million has been spent on
the first phase of engineering, civil works and procurement at the
Naraha Plant following utilisation of pre-payments to Veolia.
Site operations have not been impacted by COVID-19 to date, however
equipment deliveries from overseas are expected to be delayed which
is likely to impact the final project completion by approximately
two months.
The Company’s Shared Value team has been restructured in the
last quarter to ensure equal and necessary focus on three key
1) Community Empowerment – providing support and liaison for
community members and the Company to support greater opportunities
for local employment and local supply contracts
2) Community Investment – maintaining a focus on the long-term
needs of communities and opportunities to enhance quality of life
through initiatives independent from the Company’s activities
3) Community Engagement – ensuring that channels of
communication remain open at all levels of the community,
particularly given issues of connectivity in the region.
Within these three focus areas, Shared Value programs and
initiatives will continue to be developed and delivered in
alignment with the five pillars – Health, Education, Empowerment,
Transparency, and Production and Natural Resources.
The Company has also initiated a Giving and Volunteering Program
to further expand its support and contribution to local communities
whilst also providing its employees the opportunity to directly
engage and contribute to communities and causes of interest. This
Program will provide additional resources to support the Shared
Value team’s work in Community Empowerment, Investment and
Towards the end of the quarter, additional focus was placed on
COVID-19 response and overcoming the unique challenges that the
pandemic presents for local communities.
The existing challenges in the lithium market were compounded by
the spread of COVID-19 during the March quarter impacting
operations and logistics throughout the supply chain. As the
quarter progressed it became increasingly apparent that customers
downstream, particularly those in Europe and the United States
(US), were impacted to a greater degree than raw materials and
refining operations concentrated in Australia, China and South
America. As a result, the supply/demand imbalance grew during
the quarter resulting in greater pricing pressure for lithium
During the early stages of COVID-19 the pandemic largely
appeared contained to China. Shipments to Ex-China customers
continued at this time although uncontracted volumes were often
sold at lower prices reflecting Chinese customers' absence and a
need for suppliers to manage building inventory. As the
pandemic breached the borders of China, the supply chain ground to
a standstill. Car manufacturers in Europe and the US were the
first to shut down operations or switch to producing necessary
medical devices, resulting in a wave of closures or reduced
operating rates upstream at battery and cathode manufacturers
elsewhere. Non-battery customers including glass and ceramic
producers were also forced to close manufacturing facilities as a
Government directive and/or due to cancelled or indefinite delays
to their customer orders.
At the conclusion of the quarter, European and US car plants
were expected to be closed for approximately two to three months
with an additional one to three months required to ramp operations
back to previous levels. Battery and cathode suppliers are expected
to adjust operations accordingly. In addition, these markets
(Europe and the US) are vulnerable to an economic downturn which is
expected to have an impact on lithium demand to early or
mid-2021. Furthermore, the impact on electric vehicle
(EV) demand of current low oil prices remains
Meanwhile the Chinese market has progressively restarted
operations. The Government has committed to extending the EV
subsidy and 10% sales incentive to 2022. However, Chinese customers
have been slow to return to car dealerships and as a result,
lithium chemical customers have taken a ‘wait-and-see’
approach. Given China’s economic troubles and low consumer
appetite for domestic EV models hopes for the Chinese market rest
heavily on further Government stimulus and continued strong sales
performance from Tesla, particularly with the release of its highly
anticipated Chinese-centric EV model later this year.
Orocobre shares the view that the Ex-China battery supply chain
will be impacted by up to six months and economic factors are
expected to delay the recovery of battery and non-battery demand to
2021. Non-battery sectors are viewed as being more vulnerable
to continued sluggishness as they are highly correlated with
GDP. The Chinese market is also expected to experience weak
demand with EV customers purchasing opportunistically.
Manufacturers are expected to keep inventories low until more
definitive signs of improved and sustained demand emerge.
Putting these challenges aside, Orocobre remains confident in
long-term fundamentals underpinned by unwavering European carbon
emissions penalties, global government EV targets and downstream
expansion plans that may have been delayed, but not
Borax recorded one LTI during the March quarter. As at 31 March,
the Sijes mine had achieved 412 days without an LTI, Tincalayu had
achieved 24 days without an LTI and Campo Quijano had achieved 365
days without an LTI.
The March quarter saw sales of 10,690 tonnes which was up 24%
QoQ and approximately the same as the previous corresponding period
after adjusting for low value mineral sales in March quarter 2019.
Total sales revenue was up 14% QoQ, while the average price
received was down 6% QoQ.
Operations were also affected by Argentine government COVID-19
quarantine restrictions with production halted until the business
was declared an “essential activity”. Following the
declaration, operations recommenced with some ongoing restrictions
due to the bio-security measures.
Previous Year Quarters |
Recent Quarters |
June 2018 |
10,590 |
June 2019 |
11,758 |
September 2018 |
9,407 |
September 2019 |
12,480 |
December 2018 |
10,741 |
December 2019 |
8,614 |
March 2019 |
13,0414 |
March 2020 |
10,690 |
Business development projects continue to be advanced and most
sales that were due during the period of shutdown are likely to be
delivered in the June quarter. Many customers of Borax operate in
essential industries such as health and agriculture and will be
less affected by current COVID-19 related restrictions.
Following the end of the quarter and an annual general meeting
and special meeting of Advantage Lithium Corp. (TSX
Venture: AAL) (OTCQX: AVLIF), a statutory plan of
arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia)
(the Arrangement) was approved by Advantage
shareholders. Orocobre has now acquired 100% of the issued and
outstanding shares of Advantage that it did not already own.
Under the terms of the Arrangement, Advantage shareholders
received 0.142 Orocobre shares per Advantage share. Orocobre has
issued approximately 15.1 million shares and increased the total
issued capital of Orocobre by 5.8%.
The valuation of Advantage based on the exchange ratio of 0.142
shares per the transaction will trigger a non-cash impairment
charge of approximately US$6.1M to be recognised by Orocobre on its
investment in Advantage for the shares that it already owned. The
impairment calculation will be completed as part of the preparation
of Orocobre’s 2020 annual financial report.
This transaction will allow Orocobre to continue to develop the
Olaroz/Cauchari basin in a cost-effective manner that will optimise
extraction of the resource to the benefit of shareholders, local
communities, the Provincial and National governments of Argentina
and other stakeholders.
Orocobre shareholders have gained exposure to 4.8 million tonnes
(Mt) of Measured and Indicated Resources and 1.5 Mt of Inferred
Resources (expressed as lithium carbonate equivalent) at Cauchari
as detailed in the Orocobre ASX Release dated 7 March 2019.
Defined JORC Measured and Indicated Resources at Olaroz/Cauchari
now total 11.2 Mt of lithium carbonate equivalent and 1.5Mt of
Inferred Resources.
The development of the Cauchari resource will be considered
within future plans for the Olaroz Lithium Facility.
As at 31 March 2020, Orocobre corporate had available cash of
US$163 million of which US$11.1 million and US$29.3 million have
been set aside as guarantees for the Naraha debt facility and
Olaroz Expansion debt facility respectively.
The US$8.9 million cash reduction from the previous quarter was
the result of a US$7.5 million shareholders loan made to the SDJ
Joint Venture to fund Olaroz Stage 1 project finance repayment and
sustaining CAPEX, US$1 million in corporate costs, US$0.4 million
in restructuring costs, and US$1.3 million in other project
payments. This expenditure was partially offset by US$1.3 million
interest income.
Including SDJ and Borax cash and project debt, net group cash at
31 March 2020 was US$88.2 million, down from US$115.5 million at 31
December 2019 as calculated below:
US$ Millions |
ORE Corporate Cash |
122.6 |
ORE Restricted Cash LIOH |
11.1 |
ORE Restricted Cash Expansion |
29.3 |
Total ORE Corporate Cash |
163.0 |
Net Cash from other Entities |
0.3 |
SDJ Cash @66.5% |
17.5 |
SDJ Restricted Cash @ 66.5% |
11.4 |
SDJ External Debt @ 66.5% (*) |
(104.0) |
Total Proportional Net Group Cash |
88.2 |
During the quarter conditions precedent relating to the US$180
million Stage 2 financing were achieved allowing the subsequent
draw down of this facility to US$39 million.
In light of current operation conditions and uncertain future
lithium demand the Company has withdrawn guidance for FY20.
The AR$/US$ exchange rate exchange rate depreciated by 8% during
the quarter from AR$59.89/US$ at 31 December 2019 to AR$64.47 at 31
March 2020, whilst inflation for the same period was also
approximately 8%. When looking at the accumulated 12-month period
from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, devaluation of the AR$ against
the US$ was 49% versus inflation of approximately 48%. Over time,
inflation and devaluation generally cancel each other out.
Authorised by:
Rick AnthonJoint Company
Andrew BarberChief Investor Relations
M: +61 418 783 701
E: abarber@orocobre.com W:
www.orocobre.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/OrocobreLimitedLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/orocobre-limitedFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrocobreLimited/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orocobre/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/OrocobreLimited
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___________________________________1 All figures 100% Olaroz
Project basis2 Orocobre report price as “FOB” (Free On Board) which
excludes insurance and freight charges included in “CIF” (Cost,
Insurance, Freight) pricing.Therefore, the Company’s reported
prices are net of freight (shipping), insurance and sales
commission. FOB prices are reported by the Company to provide
clarity on the sales revenue that is recognized by SDJ, the joint
venture company in Argentina.3 Excludes royalties, export tax,
corporate costs and restructuring costs4 Includes 2,312 tonnes of
low value mineral product
Advantage Lithium (TSXV:AAL)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Advantage Lithium (TSXV:AAL)
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From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025