ZEAL Network SE (-) 
ZEAL Network SE: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the 
German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution 
17-May-2019 / 10:33 CET/CEST 
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
The Company has received a form TR-1 on 16 May 2019 from Oliver Jaster 
*TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings* 
|*NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS *(to be sent to the           | 
|relevant issuer and to the FCA in Microsoft Word format       | 
|if possible)i                                                 | 
|                                                              | 
|*1a. Identity of the issuer  |                                | 
|or the underlying issuer of  |                                | 
|existing shares to which     |        Zeal Network SE         | 
|voting rights are            |                                | 
|attached*ii*:*               |                                | 
|*1b. Please indicate if the issuer is a non-UK issuer         | 
|*(please mark with an 'X' if appropriate)                     | 
|Non-UK issuer                                         |       | 
|*2. Reason for the notification *(please mark the             | 
|appropriate box or boxes with an 'X')                         | 
|An acquisition or disposal of voting rights           |       | 
|An acquisition or disposal of financial               |       | 
|instruments                                           |       | 
|An event changing the breakdown of voting rights      |       | 
|Other (please specify)iii: Issuer's acquisition       |   X   | 
|of Lotto24 AG                                         |       | 
|*3. Details of person subject to the notification             | 
|obligation*iv                                                 | 
|Name                         |Mr Oliver Jaster                | 
|City and country of          |                                | 
|registered office (if        |                                | 
|applicable)                  |                                | 
|*4. Full name of shareholder(s)* (if different from 3.)v      | 
|Name                         |Othello Drei Beteiligungs       | 
|                             |GmbH & Co. KG                   | 
|City and country of          |                                | 
|registered office (if        |Hamburg, Germany                | 
|applicable)                  |                                | 
|Name                         |Othello Vier Beteiligungs       | 
|                             |GmbH & Co. KG                   | 
|City and country of          |                                | 
|registered office (if        |Hamburg, Germany                | 
|applicable)                  |                                | 
|*5. Date on which the        |                                | 
|threshold was crossed or     |14 May 2019                     | 
|reached*vi*:*                |                                | 
|*6. Date on which issuer     |16 May 2019                     | 
|notified (DD/MM/YYYY):*      |                                | 
|*7. Total positions of person(s) subject to the               | 
|notification obligation*                                      | 
|           |  % of  |                 |       |               | 
|           | voting |   % of voting   | Total |               | 
|           | rights | rights through  |of both|Total number   | 
|           |attached|    financial    | in %  |of voting      | 
|           |   to   |   instruments   |(8.A + |rights of      | 
|           | shares | (total of 8.B 1 | 8.B)  |issuervii      | 
|           | (total |    + 8.B 2)     |       |               | 
|           |of 8. A)|                 |       |               | 
|Resulting  |        |                 |       |               | 
|situation  |        |                 |       |               | 
|on the date|        |                 |       |               | 
|on which   |31.87%  |NA               |31.87% |22,352,160     | 
|threshold  |        |                 |       |               | 
|was crossed|        |                 |       |               | 
|or reached |        |                 |       |               | 
|Position of|        |                 |       |               | 
|previous   |        |                 |       |               | 
|notificatio|10.28%  |NA               |10.28% |               | 
|n (if      |        |                 |       |               | 
|applicable)|        |                 |       |               | 
|*8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which            | 
|the threshold was crossed or reached*viii                                       | 
|*A: Voting rights attached to shares*                                           | 
|*Class/type  |                                        |                         | 
|of*          |                                        |                         | 
|*shares*     |*Number of voting rights*ix             |*% of voting rights*     | 
|ISIN code    |                                        |                         | 
|(if          |                                        |                         | 
|possible)    |                                        |                         | 
|      |     *Direct*      |    *Indirect*     |   *Direct*    |*Indirect*|      | 
|      |     (Art 9 of     |    (Art 10 of     |   (Art 9 of   |(Art 10 of|      | 
|      |     Directive     |     Directive     |   Directive   |Directive |      | 
|      |   2004/109/EC)    |   2004/109/EC)    | 2004/109/EC)  |2004/109/E|      | 
|      |     (DTR5.1)      |    (DTR5.2.1)     |   (DTR5.1)    |    C)    |      | 
|      |                   |                   |               |(DTR5.2.1)|      | 
|Ordinary     |-------------------|                    |                  |      | 
|(GB00BHD66J4 |                   |7,125,610           |NA                |31.87%| 
|4)           |                   |                    |                  |      | 
|             |                   |                    |                  |      | 
|             |                   |                    |                  |      | 
|*SUBTOTAL 8. |               7,125,610                |         31.87%          | 
|A*           |                                        |                         | 
|                                                                                | 
|*B 1: Financial Instruments according to Art. 13(1)(a) of Directive             | 
|2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1 (a))*                                                   | 
|*Type of     |            |*Exercise/ *       |*Number of voting rights  |*% of | 
|financial    |*Expiration*|*Conversion        |that may be acquired if   |voting| 
|instrument*  |*date*x     |Period* xi         |the instrument is         |rights| 
|             |            |                   |exercised/converted.*     |*     | 
|             |            |                   |                          |      | 
|             |            |                   |                          |      | 
|             |            |                   |                          |      | 
|             |            |*SUBTOTAL 8. B 1*  |                          |      | 
|                                                                                | 
|*B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to           | 
|Art. 13(1)(b) of Directive 2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1 (b))*                        | 
|*Type |                   |             |                     |          |      | 
|of    |                   |*Exercise/ * |                     |*Number of|*% of | 
|financ|*Expiration*       |*Conversion  |*Physical or cash    |voting    |voting| 
|ial   |*date*x            |Period *xi   |settlement*xii       |rights *  |rights| 
|instru|                   |             |                     |          |*     | 
|ment* |                   |             |                     |          |      | 
|      |                   |             |                     |          |      | 
|      |                   |             |                     |          |      | 
|      |                   |             |                     |          |      | 
|      |                   |             |*SUBTOTAL 8.B.2*     |          |      | 
|                                                                                | 
|*9. Information in relation to the person subject to the     | 
|notification obligation *(please mark the                    | 
|applicable box with an 'X')                                  | 
|Person subject to the notification            |              | 
|obligation is not controlled by any natural   |              | 
|person or legal entity and does not control   |              | 
|any other undertaking(s) holding directly     |              | 
|or indirectly an interest in the              |              | 
|(underlying) issuerxiii                       |              | 
|Full chain of controlled undertakings         |              | 
|through which the voting rights and/or the    |              | 
|financial instruments are effectively held    |      X       | 
|starting with the ultimate controlling        |              | 
|natural person or legal entityxiv (please     |              | 
|add additional rows as necessary)             |              | 
|           |           | *% of |                             | 
|           |           |voting |                             | 
|           |           |rights |                             | 
|           |           |through|                             | 
|           |   *% of   |financi|                             | 
|           |  voting   |  al   |                             | 
|           | rights if |instrum|                             | 
|           | it equals |ents if| *Total of both if it equals | 
| *Name*xv  |   or is   |  it   |    or is higher than the    | 
|           |higher than|equals |    notifiable threshold*    | 
|           |    the    | or is |                             | 
|           |notifiable |higher |                             | 
|           |threshold* | than  |                             | 
|           |           |  the  |                             | 
|           |           |notifia|                             | 
|           |           |  ble  |                             | 
|           |           |thresho|                             | 
|           |           |  ld*  |                             | 
|Oliver     |           |       |                             | 
|Jaster     |           |       |                             | 
|Günther SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding SE |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Vier       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|28.04%     |       |28.04%                       | 
|s GmbH &   |           |       |                             | 
|Co. KG     |           |       |                             | 
|           |           |       |                             | 
|Oliver     |           |       |                             | 
|Jaster     |           |       |                             | 
|Günther SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding    |           |       |                             | 
|Immobilien |           |       |                             | 
|GmbH & Co. |           |       |                             | 
|KG         |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Consulting |           |       |                             | 
|GmbH       |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Vier       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|28.04%     |       |28.04%                       | 
|s GmbH &   |           |       |                             | 
|Co. KG     |           |       |                             | 
|           |           |       |                             | 
|Oliver     |           |       |                             | 
|Jaster     |           |       |                             | 
|Günther SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding    |           |       |                             | 
|Immobilien |           |       |                             | 
|Management |           |       |                             | 
|GmbH       |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding    |           |       |                             | 
|Immobilien |           |       |                             | 
|GmbH & Co. |           |       |                             | 
|KG         |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Consulting |           |       |                             | 
|GmbH       |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Vier       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|28.04%     |       |28.04%                       | 
|s GmbH &   |           |       |                             | 
|Co. KG     |           |       |                             | 
|           |           |       |                             | 
|Oliver     |           |       |                             | 
|Jaster     |           |       |                             | 
|Günther SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding SE |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Drei       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|3.83%      |       |3.83%                        | 
|s GmbH &   |           |       |                             | 
|Co. KG     |           |       |                             | 
|           |           |       |                             | 
|Oliver     |           |       |                             | 
|Jaster     |           |       |                             | 
|Günther SE |           |       |                             | 
|Günther    |           |       |                             | 
|Holding SE |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Drei       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|           |       |                             | 
|s-Managemen|           |       |                             | 
|t GmbH     |           |       |                             | 
|Othello    |           |       |                             | 
|Drei       |           |       |                             | 
|Beteiligung|3.83%      |       |3.83%                        | 
|s GmbH &   |           |       |                             | 
|Co. KG     |           |       |                             | 
|                                                             | 
|*10. In case of proxy voting, please identify:*              | 
|Name of the proxy      |N/A                                  | 
|holder                 |                                     | 
|The number and % of    |N/A                                  | 
|voting rights held     |                                     | 
|The date until which   |                                     | 
|the voting rights will |N/A                                  | 
|be held                |                                     | 
|                                                             | 
|*11. Additional information*xvi                              | 
|                                                             | 
|*Place of completion*|Berlin     | 
|*Date of completion* |16 May 2019| 
ISIN:           GB00BHD66J44 
Category Code:  HOL 
TIDM:           - 
LEI Code:       391200EIRBXU4TUMMQ46 
OAM Categories: 2.3. Major shareholding notifications 
Sequence No.:   8686 
EQS News ID:    812857 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 17, 2019 04:34 ET (08:34 GMT)

Zeal Network (LSE:0QJQ)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2025 to Feb 2025 Click Here for more Zeal Network Charts.
Zeal Network (LSE:0QJQ)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2024 to Feb 2025 Click Here for more Zeal Network Charts.